Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)

About CMAP

The Avondale Neighborhood Association (ANA) was thrilled to have been selected for the “On to 2050: CMAP Local Technical Assistance Program”. With support from our neighbors, community stakeholders, and City Council Members, ANA hopes to preserve the community while meeting the needs of all its residents. The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is an award winning regional planning organization that aims to address transportation, housing, economic development, and other quality-of-life concerns of the city.

The Proposal

ANA’s proposal requested an assessment of the Kennedy Expressway, Belmont Avenue and North Kimball Avenue intersection that would include the Kennedy Plaza and Belmont Blue Line Station. Additionally, the comprehensive plan must:

  • Articulate a shared vision for the community for where and what developments is desired;

  • Promote the retention and development of affordable housing, maintain a wide diversity of businesses;

  • Promote safe and sustainable transportation options including pedestrian, bicycling, and mass transit;

  • Address issues of storm water and open space

CMAP will provide staff assistance to complete this planning process. The neighborhood plan provides policy direction in the areas of land use, economic development, housing, mobility, sustainability, and building capacity and partnerships. It recommends policies to help residents and stakeholders address identified opportunities.

Take a look inside!

The Avondale Neighborhood Plan presents a vision for the Avondale community on the City of Chicago’s northwest side and provides a framework to ensure future decisions align with the neighborhood’s long term goals. The plan is the final product of two years of work led by the Avondale Neighborhood Association (ANA), and CMAP.

A neighborhood plan establishes a 5- to 10-year vision of a community, and it outlines a process that can help a community to achieve their vision. In addition to serving as a framework for future reinvestment and redevelopment, a neighborhood plan explores and promotes new opportunities that reflect a community’s changes and the surrounding socioeconomic landscape.

The Avondale Neighborhood Plan should be considered flexible and adaptable to change. The plan should be reviewed every five to 10years to ensure the document remains relevant. The plan can be updated anytime to match the changing needs, interests, and opportunities of the community

Existing Conditions Report

This Existing Conditions Report for the Avondale Neighborhood Plan is the cumulative effort of many individuals, including residents and stakeholders who participated in surveys, public meetings, and workshops, as well as provided time and expertise to identify community values and priorities, planning issues, and policies to help successfully complete this report.

This Existing Conditions Report provides a summary and snapshot of the community’s conditions and characteristics related to its community facilities, demographics, land use and zoning, market potential, the transportation network, parks, open spaces, and other infrastructure systems.

In addition, the report summarizes community outreach and additional technical information necessary for understanding key planning issues and concerns. The Report serves as the foundation for Comprehensive Plan goals and strategies.


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