Become a Member!

ANA relies on membership and donations to attain our goals for the year. Your generous contributions go towards initiatives for the Avondale community and administrative expenses that keep us running!

Paid Memberships

We offer paid memberships for individuals and businesses. Paid memberships sponsor our work and come with a few perks (newsletter access, an Avondale gift package, business advertising, and more).

Free Membership & Newsletter

Become a free member and receive our newsletter with updates, resources, and events taking place in Avondale!

Newsletter subscriptions are included as a part of paid memberships.

Neighborhood Partners

Are you a local organization looking for ways to collaborate with ANA? Contact us at to inquire about partnership opportunities.

Open to local nonprofits, civic organizations, cultural consortia, and other groups with interests aligned to ANA’s core values.


We appreciate your donation! Your donations allow us to contribute to the community, keep ANA active, and organize community events! Recent initiatives supported through your donations include donations to the food pantry, and local artists to perform at Solidarity Triangle, and local art installations.

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